
Productivity Force is a leading source of work-ready apprentices and skilled, experienced tradespeople for the building and construction sector. Its business partner, Productivity Bootcamp, is a construction industry training organisation designed to build better lives for young Australians.

Llewellyn Communications was tasked with creating awareness of the two brands and the first group of trainees at their new training facility at Nowra, on the NSW South Coast. The aim was twofold: to appeal to potential employers looking for some of the region’s – and country’s – most job-ready apprentices, and to also appeal to potential apprentices wanting to participate in future Bootcamps.

What we did

We developed a targeted media outreach strategy to gain exposure across regional TV, print and digital media. Tools used included a media release/backgrounder, tailored media pitches, and case studies – a vital component for a story such as this.

The campaign primarily focused on the first group of trainees at the new Nowra facility, the unique Bootcamp training, and the call for local employers. We also reinforced our media pitch with current ‘hot topics’ at that time: the state-wide skills shortage in the building and construction sectors, and youth unemployment.


We secured 10 pieces of coverage and 320,000 opportunities to see, across TV, radio, online and social platforms. Highlights included an ABC Radio Illawarra radio segment and a wonderful video story on ABC’s online platform; a WIN News Illawarra story with a tour of the facility and interviews with key spokespeople; radio interviews with company spokespeople and case studies; and print and online articles in regional newspapers.

Tuesday Drive 104.5 FM Interview

ABC Illawarra TV Spot